Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Hate Forgetting

A few years ago, my spouse and I visited France. Before traveling, we tried to learn as much of the language as we could. While there, we made out OK, although it obviously wasn't our first language. (We would buy and actually read a French newspaper at breakfast every morning, for example).

At restaurants, what would usually happen was that the waiter would start in French and realize we were Americans trying to speak their language, and graciously speak to us in excellent English. (Although one of the waitresses asked my spouse if we were Russian, and he said yes. LOL.)

When my real estate agent and I started talking about France (we both had a great time, it turns out), I wondered how much of the French language that I still retained. Out came the French tapes (yes, cassettes, only my German courses are on CDs). Ye gads, how can I forget that much!

So I'm studying my French tapes once more. Who knows, maybe we'll visit Montreal again...

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