Thursday, October 25, 2007

Road Trip!

I leave this morning for a road trip to Iowa to check on my father. Except in the winter, I always enjoy the drive with the beautiful scenery. My route cuts through the Appalachian Mountains of North Georgia and Tennessee, and the rolling hills and prairie of Missouri and Iowa. It's such a change from Atlanta scenery. Plus, I get to listen to music or practice a foreign language during the drive.

My dad lives in a small town of about 5000 people. It's a whole different world. People seem to have more time there, and you can't go anywhere without bumping into a friend or acquaintance. Even people who don't know you are friendly. Except for the winter weather, it's a great place. I didn't see it that way growing up there; isn't it strange how time changes your perspective?

1 comment:

Identity Mixed said...

Yes, we just moved back to closer to where I grew up. I hated growing up here, but now that I have kids... back we come!